- paid the home study fee, and pre-paid the post-placement visits.
- signed and mailed the home study agreement.
- wrote our autobiographical statements (whoa baby, that was a lot of writing/thinking)
- ordered certified copies of our marriage certificate and our birth certificates
- Ben asked his HR department for a letter of employment. Katie wrote her letter of voluntary non-employment.
- printed off last year's tax return
- filled out the financial statements as well as the monthly expense worksheet
- printed off the reference forms, and gave them to our references along with a pre-addressed, stamped envelope
- asked 3 wonderful people to write us a letter of recommendation for the dossier
- sent my parents the guardianship form to fill out
- signed and mailed the duty of candor form and the international adoption disclaimer form
- made appointments for medical exams for Katie and Ben. The boys had their check-ups yesterday, so we already have their health forms.
- did our Washington State Patrol criminal background checks.
- filled out the forms for the DHS background check
- Katie finished the online training, and Ben is almost done.
- drafted the formal letter for the dossier in which we ask the Ethiopian Ministry of Women's Children's and Youth affairs to allow us to adopt an infant girl.
Have I mentioned that we've been busy??!!!
We still need to make color copies of our passports and proof of health insurance, and we are still waiting to get our proof of life insurance, as well as birth certificates, marriage certificates etc. in the mail. We also still need to have a whole bunch of the above forms notarized, but we'll do that all at once. At first glance, the mountain of paperwork seemed insurmountable, but really, it's all coming together well, and it all does make sense...
If you feel like peeking over at my art blog, I also painted a fun little set of three paintings titled "hair time."